custom made knives Custom made knives are great because of their uniqueness and originality. But many knives draw their influence from knives that, throughout the centuries, have made an incredible impact upon the world. Knives from different regions of the world have had a great impact on the way knives are used today. The Japanese are known for making quality kitchen knives, the Swiss have been making great multi-tools, and Americans have come up with several great knives as well. So what are some of the best knives in history?

Great Knives of History

The Sai

The Sai is a famous knife that was traditionally used in Okinawa. It was mainly used as a stabbing weapon, and was without sharp edges. Perhaps made famous recently by one of the ninja turtles, The Sai was used for centuries and was most useful in being able to trap a sword with one of its smaller two prongs.

Before its use in Okinawa, the Sai was used in other Asian countries as well. They are typically used in pairs of two, with one in each hand. The Sai has had an enormous impact on Eastern culture and is renowned for its unique design.

The Bowie

The Bowie knife has been discussed here before, but it is worth noting here as one of the most impactful American made knives. The long, durable blade has been used for a couple centuries by backwoodsmen and trappers as a great knife with many uses. Because of its length and weight it was also handy in a fight, and was made famous by the great Jim Bowie for his use of it in knife fights.

The Kukri

The Kukri is primarily a knife of Nepal, but it is used in India at times as well. The Gurka regiments of the Indian army use them to this day. The Kukri is a long inwardly curved blade, and has mainly been used for chopping. A utility knife of the Nepalese natives, and a weapon of Nepal and neighboring India, the Kukri is a knife that may not have been as influential in the way knives are made in the West, but has maintained its influence in the East nonetheless.

Mark I Trench Knife

Designed for use by the American military by officers of the American Expeditionary Force during World War I, this knife had its greatest impact during the beginning of the 20th century. It had a handle where each finger fit into a slot, so the knuckles rested up against the handle. It had a double edged blade, which made it ideal for slashing and stabbing in the trenches of World War I. They were issued again during World War II.

This list is not extensive. These are obviously just a few of the many knives that have shaped our world. Different knives throughout history have had a tremendous impact on the history of the world and upon the style of knives that are seen in the world today. Custom made knives are able to make a unique impact on those they come into contact with. For custom knives look no further than Exquisite Knives!

February 4, 2016