Knives have been a part of our culture for many years. They’ve held their value throughout the years whether it being for self-defense, usage in cinema, hunting & gathering, and for many, they are pieces that are added to their growing collection. 

Here at Exquisite Knives, we are dedicated to fueling the connection between collectors and our products for knife collecting in California. We enjoy raising awareness in helping others to make informed decisions about the best kinds of knives to add to their collection. 

We’re going to be discussing how beginners can begin starting a knife collection,  and perhaps one day, they can pass this information along to other amateur collectors! 

Collecting knives in the modern era is viewed as an art form. 

With this hobby/lifestyle, comes the understanding of the importance of continued education so that you can build out your collection to the best of your abilities. 

Knife collecting is very broad because of the many brands that are available on the market. The fascination of knives continues to grow and we simply inherited that like-mindedness from our ancestors.

How To Start A Knife Collection
When starting a knife collection, here are some tips you can implement to help you create the best customized collection for your interests and desires:

  • Only collect pieces that interest you: When starting your collection, don’t try to appease the crowd and purchase what everyone else is getting. If you are purchasing based solely on the approval and recommendation of other’s, you will never be fully satisfied with your collection. You’ll be better off collecting knives that grab your attention from first glance. Collect based on the design and type of knife, and do it because it’s something you want to cherish and hold onto. 
  • Keep up with research: This goes without saying, but it’s ill-advised to purchase something for any collection, including knives, without knowing the authenticity and legitimacy of the product you are interested in buying. You can center your research around bargain hunting, subscribing to knife forums, or looking through auction sites. Be well-versed on the subject matter before making a purchase that you may regret.
  • Being aware of Pricing: It could serve you to maintain access to a price list to see the value for the various kinds of knives that you’re interested in purchasing. If you know the value, you will have more confidence in your purchasing decisions.
  • Having Patience: It’s common for people to come across a rare knife, usually not wasting any time and scooping it up right away. If you ever have doubts about a knife that you’re considering buying, then it’s better to play the waiting game. In doing so, you mitigate the situation of being stuck with an item that is less than desirable and you can make a much more sound investment for something that’s in better condition or more valuable. 

Are you interested in learning more about knife collecting in California and the valuable pieces of craftsmanship that are readily available? Visit our shop to feast your eyes on some of the greatest knives that are on the market today!


July 16, 2021

Starting a Knife Collection

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